Selasa, Januari 21, 2014

it is called 'disaster'?

I don't know how to describe this :'(

Jakarta, Indonesia

Manado city, north Sulawesi
2014, rain is around in this country...
Oh.. God I feel bad. Because of heavy rainfall and flooding, this country is like a sea.
A lot of disasters come to Indonesia:

1. Vulcano eruption from Sinabung mountain in Karo, North Sumatra.
2. Flooding in Manado, North Sulawesi. Some areas of Manado City are said to be under 1.5 meters of water.
3. Flooding around Java.
4. Flooding around the place in Jakarta. And this calamity made my heart hurt. Traffic is like crazy on the highway. 

Sinabung volcanic eruptions

I just think.... what can I do?
Thank God because my big family, my friends, and some people I know are safe but how about people out there? It's hard!! How about their family?? Yes! I agree this disaster happening not the full fault of the government or its inhabitants it's not 100% God angry with this country. God is not angry He just gives some lessons, because I believe everything He has done it is for our good not bad.

I just thought flooding happened it's because fault of all the PEOPLE
Because people are lazy and litter anywhere, not in a trash place.
Don't blame others just check yourself and make it true, so if a disaster happens just think with a normal mindset, it's God's permission to happen and it makes we are aware and see where the place of fault is.
I am aware I can't do anything to help them, I am just a girl who does not have money to contribute, I am just a girl who hasn't the ability to help them but one thing can I do 'pray'
I close my eyes and pray.....

God, please help the nation!!! don't go! Please:"(

Pray for Indonesia!!

God Bless our nation! 

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